Thursday, September 17, 2009

Is Search Query Report useful?

Is Search Query Report useful?
I have noticed that for one of my client's CTR has decreased, so I tried to know the reason so generated a search query report for one keyword (i guess you all know, we can generate search query reports at keyword level in the new interface).

Search query report shows the data for search terms that ultimately lead to clicks. All other data will be reported under "Other search terms".
A brief about "Other search terms". Other search terms are the search terms resulted in impressions for your ads.

Some examples of why a term would be calculated in the "Other search terms" row:

  • Search term resulted in an ad impression but not a click.
  • Search term didn't receive a significant number of impressions.
  • Search term triggered your ad within the past 24 hours and just hasn't yet been listed individually.
Google considers CTR while calculating the quality score, if I am not able to stop showing my ad copy for the unwanted terms (which might just result in impressions but not a click) obviously my CTR will decrease and my quality score.
Any suggestions?

However, search query report is one of the best report which makes you spend money wisely on the campaign.
