Monday, August 17, 2009

Keep Yourself in User's shoes

To analyze the performance of any campaign you need to think yourself as a user, keep yourself in the user's shoes and analyze the following,

Ø What user is looking for (keyword) – The no of impressions that your keyword received.

Ø What you are offering the user (ad copy) – In this aspect, the metric “CTR” will help you out to check the performance.

Ø Does the user find what he is looking for (landing page) – To analyze this aspect, you need to consider bounce rate.

Ø Are you able to satisfy user needs (conversion)

For the tasks to do,

Ø For a) - you need to re-look at the list of keywords, if your campaign is receiving less number of impressions, as well the maximum bid you are paying to the search engine.

Ø For b) – If your keyword has got good number of impressions, but if the CTR is low, then you need to check updating the ad copies, as they are not attracting users.

Ø For c) – If the bounce rate is higher, then you are not landing the users on the appropriate landing page. Try different landing pages to know, which works better.

Ø For d) - Majority percentage of the Internet users, do comparison while shopping. Comparison in terms of price, quality, brand name of the store, offers, shipping etc., you need to consider all of the above, if a user didn’t convert at your website.

Hope it helps!!!!!

Happy Advertising :-)



Analyze your Campaign Performance

When optimizing your PPC campaigns, you should always make positive changes all month long.

You need to test different things on your campaign to know, which works better. This way, when you make some great changes, your account will have the effects for a long time with good results.

There are many optimization techniques, which can be learned by experience. I would like to discuss, a report for on a day.

Keyword Report: Run a keyword report

a) Focus on cost consuming but less converting keywords - In this task, you need to look at the keywords, which are consuming cost (generating clicks), but generating less number of conversions.

Analyze each keyword's performance, which you think it’s not profitable.

You can run a search query report for these particular keywords, using new adwords interface.

Add negative keywords or change match type of the existing keywords.

But keep a track of it, so that you can compare the results after a week.

b) Focus on converting keywords - We need to look at non-profitable keywords as well as profitable keywords, in order to increase the performance. Now, based on the performance, you can choose the best performing keywords for your campaign.

o Try adding variations of keywords.

o Increase the bids and test the performance in different positions.

o Run the search query report for those particular keywords and see what the user is searching for. Add these terms in the keyword list in order to reduce the average CPCs and increase the possibility of converting more.

However, you need to keep a track of all the changes what you have done, so that you can test the results perfectly. And if the performance goes down, you can revert back.

Hope this helps!!!

Happy Advertising :-)


Saturday, August 15, 2009


Hello Everyone,

Its been a great pleasure to find people on the internet by sharing the knowledge.

I am Arun, working as search engine marketing analyst in a reputed organization. I have around 3 years of experience.
I was in a thought to share my knowledge through blogs, but it has been getting postponed.

Finally, great to say "I became blogger".

This blog is mainly to share and learn the things. Hopefully, I can share a post everyday.

Wish me "All the best".
